
Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Marie Gevers and the Brontës

Author Éléonore Desclée mentioned in her Feb. 15 presentation to the Brussels Brontë Group that one of her assigned books in literature class in high school was a novel by the Belgian author Marie Gevers (1883-1975). 

This writer has a curious Brontë link. 

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Éléonore Desclée and her novel 'Charlotte in Love'

Brussels-based author Éléonore Desclée uses Charlotte Brontë and Jane Eyre as the driving force in her novel Charlotte in Love, which sees two teenage students thrown together for a collaborate project that brings discoveries about the book and themselves. 

Éléonore discussed her novel and how she came to write it in a discussion with the Brussels Brontë Group on Saturday, Feb. 15. 

Monday, 24 February 2025

The gothic and supernatural in the Brontë novels

Stavroula Kremmydiotou presented a fascinating talk on the supernatural and gothic elements in the Brontë novels as part of the Brussels Brontë Group’s annual member talks on Saturday, Feb. 15. 

Backed by a visually striking Powerpoint presentation, Stavroula gave a wide-ranging and well-researched exploration of the supernatural in the sisters’ works, tempered by asides about her own journey and perspective as she discovered the Brontës. 

Monday, 20 January 2025

Revamped Hotel Astoria celebrates Brontë connection

Brussels’ link with the Brontës isn’t perhaps acknowledged in the city as much as it could be. There is a planned Brontë Sisters Square in Koekelberg, but the name doesn’t tend to crop up when streets, buildings, etc. are being named. 
So what a nice surprise to find that the poshest hotel in town, the recently reopened Grand Hotel Astoria on Rue Royale now rebaptised Corinthia Brussels, has ... a Brontë suite! 

Hotel Cluysenaar, ca. 1840

Sunday, 8 December 2024

Brussels Brontë Christmas cheer 2024

On Saturday, 32 of us gathered in the famous (to us) Salle Rouge in our usual Brussels restaurant to celebrate the Christmas season and round off another year for the Brussels Brontë Group. 
Unlike the Red Room in Charlotte Brontë’s novel where the young Jane Eyre has such a dismal time, each year the Salle Rouge is the setting for seasonal jollity for Brussels Brontëites. At this time of year it’s the place where we enjoy hearty Belgian fare, good company and a selection of entertainment provided by members.