
Friday 31 August 2007

Brussels Brontë Group reading group

Are you tired of reading groups that only read modern fiction?

We invite you to join our group specialising in 19th century English literature, for people who are interested in books by and about the Brontës and in the history and literature of the 19th century in general.
We want to return to the classics that have stood the test of time and also fill in our knowledge of the period by reading:

· The Brontës and works relating to them (biography, criticism, modern novels inspired by the Brontës....)
· Jane Austen, Hardy, Dickens, George Eliot....
· Biography and history providing background to the 19th century

Books on our reading list:
Charlotte Brontë: Villette
Emma Tennant: Heathcliff's Tale
Jane Austen: Sense and Sensibility
Nick Foulkes: Dancing into Battle (history of the British community in Brussels at the time of the Battle of Waterloo)

Contact helen.macewan@ec.europa.eu for more information