
Tuesday 30 April 2024

Octavia Cox on Anne Brontë and sea symbolism

It has been said that what the Yorkshire moors were to Emily Brontë the sea was to her sister Anne – a soul-enlivening physical space and an inspiring imaginative element. Oxford University’s Octavia Cox explained exactly what the sea and the seaside meant to Anne Brontë in an absorbing talk to the Brussels Brontë Group. 

Friday 26 April 2024

Valerie Sanders on clothes in the Brontë novels

University of Hull's Valerie Sanders used Rachel Ferguson’s 1931 novel The Brontës Went to Woolworths as a jumping-off point for a fascinating look at clothes in Charlotte Brontë’s novels – how they are described and what they signify. 

On a sartorial trip through the juvenilia, the letters and the mature novels, Prof. Sanders showed what clothes and dressing meant for Charlotte, both in real life and in her fiction.